Ultrasonic Cavitation

A non-invasive technique which emits ultrasonic waves to cause what are known as cavitations (tiny bubbles) in fatty tissue. It is an effective, non-surgical treatment that reduces body fat and cellulite in selected body areas, safely and it is completely painless.

Due to the specific ultrasound parameters of the energy levels, only the fat cells will be targeted and all surrounding cells and organs are unaffected. The cavitation uses low frequency ultrasound waves which are conducted through the skin to the fatty layer below which emulsifies (broken up into a liquid) for the body to process naturally.

Ultrasound cavitation stimulates the release of fat, in the form of triglycerides, by the fat cells (adipocytes). These triglycerides are taken up by the lymphatic vessels and the veins and end up in various body tissues (such as the muscles) where they can be burned (oxidized) for energy and are then simply and naturally eliminated from the body through urine. It is therefore essential to drink plenty of water during your course of treatments to assist the body with this process.

Cavitation is an excellent treatment for customers that want to reshape the body to achieve cellulite reduction and fat loss for areas with localized fat such as:

  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Buttocks
  • Arms
  • Lower back