What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances made of Hyaluronic Acid that are injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth lines, soften creases or enhance facial contours. The products we use are reversible and dissolve over time.

Benefits of Dermal Fillers:

As one ages or, in some cases, loses a large amount of weight, you will tend to notice a loss of volume in your face. This occurs due to collagen – a substance in our bodies that gives the structure to our tissues – beginning to break down. Fillers can be injected to restore the youth in your face and revitalize your appearance.

Common issues dermal fillers can help:

  • Smooth out lines around your nose and mouth (marionette lines, smile lines and parenthesis)
  • Enhance and restore volume to sunken cheeks or temples
  • Diminish vertical line lips
  • Plump and enhance lips
  • Smooth out a chin crease
  • Improve symmetry among facial features

What to expect during your visit:


  • Remove make-up
  • Before photos taken
  • Clean the areas with alcohol

Treatment time: Usually around 30 minutes

After: The effect of filler is seen right away but usually our doctor will let the filler settle for 10 days before adding more to an area. A more conservative approach is taken at our spa.
