Botox Anti-wrinkle Therapy

Ona-botulinum toxin is injected by our aesthetic doctor into the facial muscles in order to relax them and prevent their contraction. Through this relaxation, the lines that have formed wrinkles are then reduced and the deeper lines also have a chance to rest, in order to prevent them from getting deeper.

Commonly injected areas:

  • Forehead
  • Crows Feet
  • The 11’s
  • Gummy smiles
  • Large masseter muscles

Benefits of Botox:

This treatment temporarily relaxes the muscles that have caused wrinkles to form. In most cases, a person can be treated with Botox in less than 30 minutes. Results appear within the first 4-10 days after your treatment and can last up to 4-6 months.

If you are apprehensive about Botox treatment talk to our doctor and express your concerns and she will discuss ‘Baby Botox’ options with you as a first timer. Our doctor is experienced in giving the most natural look to her patients. If you don’t want to look frozen or fake, you are at the right place for treatment! We can work closely with you to preserve your natural glow.

What to expect during your visit:

Before photos are taken
Optional numbing (10 secs) with ice

Injection Time: Between 30-45 minutes

Possible side effects: Minor headache, Bruising, Drooping eyelid


  • No lying down for 4 hours
  • Avoid touching or massaging treated area
  • No face products for 24 hrs
  • No exercise for 24-48 hrs
  • No Alcohol for 24 hrs

Cost: Please contact our office for pricing

Note: All other areas of treatment such as masseters, gummy smile and any other areas must be discussed with our aesthetic doctor and priced accordingly.
